
About Planet Hudson

Sam Datt has autism. There are traits inherent in autism that make it difficult to obtain and keep a job. Many people with disabilities want to work, but don't have the opportunity. Employment for people with disabilities was 17.5 percent in 2015, compared to 65 percent for those with no disability.

We know that people with different abilities can work hard and are reliable — and, like everyone, they deserve the same quality of life that a meaningful job can help them attain.

Sam has many wonderful attributes: he’s a hard worker; his smile and laugh will brighten your day; he enjoys spending time with his friends; and he has also always loved to sort objects into their proper categories — which is why he loves to recycle! Our family, too, has always strongly believed and actively participated in recycling to help our environment.

All of these factors led us to create the recycling company, Planet Hudson, LLC, in the hopes that it can help provide a higher quality of life for both our employees and our customers.

Mission Statement

At Planet Hudson, our mission is as follows:

  • Provide superior customer service in gathering recyclables from customers as often as needed.
  • Provide interesting and meaningful employment to people with different abilities.
  • Help our environment, by getting recyclables into the proper channels instead of landfills.

Photo Gallery

Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work
Planet Hudson LLC at work